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Horns of a Dilemma

Jun 25, 2018

From world leaders, to commercial titans, to scholars, more and more people are coming to believe that advances in artificial intelligence will change the world in dramatic ways. From the workplace to the military balance of power, the shifts, we are told, will be radical. But is this the case? In the third issue...

Jun 18, 2018

In the third issue of the Texas National Security Review, Michael Mazarr of RAND and Michael Kofman of CNA warn decision-makers in Washington against doubling down on U.S. military and geopolitical predominance lest they transform the global stage into something far more confrontational and zero-sum than it needs to be....

Jun 11, 2018

For the third issue of TNSR, Julie Smith - a former government official and CNAS senior fellow - writes in the Strategist section on her efforts to engage Americans across the country on the value of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as well as our deep political and economic relationships with the nations...